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Coach Carol 


Learn 7 Powerful Shifts as you

Rediscover Happiness,

and Become an Irresistible Wife

So That You

No Longer Feel Resentful, Frustrated & Unloved

The Catholic Irresistible Wife Course is empowering and,

plain & simple ...

it works.  Here is why..

Unlike Other Programs, this one incorporates FAITH

God is the essential piece in healing a marriage. We are all called to love and forgive, but that's not easy.

We all need God's grace.

Coach Carol is unapologetically Catholic and teaches how to transform oneself and one's marriage with God at the center.

Most of us never learned successful relationship skills

Most of us did not have fabulous role models for a successful marriage, nor did we study Relationship 101 in school.

The truth is that marital challenges are inevitable, and it's not your fault, and it's not his fault either. 

You've just never been taught what works ... until NOW! In this class you'll learn the specific skills needed to be an amazing wife who creates love & respect with her man.

You need the action steps PLUS the mindset training

You'll learn the specific action steps to practice and make a way of life for long-lasting success in your relationship.

Plus, you'll learn key mindset self-coaching steps to empower you to take your thoughts captive as scripture instructs.  You'll learn how to persecute your thoughts as you take them through the Reason Cycle.

You'll be empowered to shift out of turmoil  and into peace, happiness and love.

This course has it all!

~ The specific action steps to shift yourself and your relationships.

~ The Spiritual dimension since, as Christians, we know God is the Divine Physician who can perform miracles and heal what ails us and our marriages.

~ The Mindset piece because it's always our thoughts that create our emotions, which creates how we show up and the result we experience. 

By learning to capture our thoughts and take them through reason, we are on the road to transformation, especially when God is invited in!

Hi, I'm

Coach Carol 

I'm so glad you're here.

Like you, I struggled in my marriage and reached out for support.

God was with me the entire time, as he is you.  He's drawing you closer to Him.  He is your source of strength and perseverance.

As you work through this course, you'll learn specific action steps that will transform you as you do the heart work to heal yourself.

My experience, as well as the experience of thousands of other wives, is that when we've healed ourselves, our husbands have shifted, and our relationships have been transformed. It's truly miraculous.

This is a spiritual healing journey that promises abundance blessings.

If you have specific questions, please reach out to me.

I'm here to empower you.
Coach Carol & Daisy Mae

In 33 years of marriage, I’ve learned a great deal about what works and what doesn’t.

BRIDES, this course can empower you to avoid so many mistakes!

When we stood at the altar, I never imagined we'd struggle as much as we did.  Hurtful words dug like daggers. Cold wars and sleepless nights filled with too many tears.

You deserve better than that, and you can have it.

It starts by turning to God and learning the exact skills that saved my marriage and thousands of others.

This course is for you! 

Your future self will thank you!

My life has transformed!

This one online course became a launchpad to build my entire marriage as I took a step in honoring my desire and God's call to grow.



They stop blaming.

Blaming yourself, your husband, your mother, and father and your family of origin keeps you in a victim place.  Blam doesn't serve anyone. It keeps you stuck.

Taking responsibility for what has happened and shifting out of asking, "Why is this happening TO me?" to

"Why is this happening FOR me?" is where empowerment begins.  Shifting out of feeling like everything is against you, healing begins when we shift our thoughts to curiosity as to how this might be part of God's plan and an opportunity to grow and learn.

Hmmm ... I wonder ... how might your circumstances be happening FOR you?

They discover what they can do differently.

It's like going back to school for a course we never took to learn the exact relationships that will restore happiness and love.

For 26 years I told my husband what he needed to do, dragged him to counselors, left books on the back of the toilet or on his night stand and brought him to relationship courses. None of it worked.

Instead when I learned key skills everything began to change.

Adding new skills to your toolbelt is empowering.

They get the right help.

Blueprint, step-by-step, game plan, framework, model. Call it what you want – it’s about helping you go faster with a system for creating success over and over.

I’ll walk you through skills that will help you identify your next step, even if you think you're completely stuck right now. 

And, you can trust that I am 100% Catholic, grounded in faith and have done the work transforming my own self and marriage.

They don't do it alone.

Changing behavior isn’t easy.  Successful wives learn from successful wives, and they surround themselves with like-minded women striving for the same goal: a happy marriage that'll last a lifetime. 

Having a coach & a sisterhood to turn to when you're struggling is essential.  I'm standing for you and there's a community of women waiting to welcome you.

The Catholic Irresistible Wife Course is offered in self-paced learning modules.

Each module that you'll watch at your own pace includes a video, specific skill-based shifts, and the opportunity to apply the content immediately to yourself and your relationship.

You'll be experiencing engaging online learning as you claim hope for your marriage.

You'll get these Bonuses!

Get $350 worth of Bonuses FREE.


Train Your Brain Course

2 Powerful Videos

Scripture says to take our thoughts captive but just how do we do that?

In this 2 part video course you'll learn exactly how to capture your thoughts and take them through reason.

Veils will be opened from your eyes as you learn exactly how the mind works, and how to self-coach.

This is a practice you'll want to incorporate into every day life and teach your family. It's truly life altering!


Coach Carol's Essential Self Care Survival Kit

When you’re in a pinch, traveling or needing emergency self-care, this is your survival kit. Planning ahead pays off.


Marriage Prayer Guide

 Marriage is under spiritual attack. Satan wants nothing more than to destroy marriages and the next generation. This guide is to aide you in fighting the spiritual battle.

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