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Transformation Opportunities

Wish you had a husband who helped more ... peacefully, without an argument?

I help wives who are enduring frustrating communication, and distant, even unhappy marriages. Like me, they worry they married the wrong man. They feel undesired, uncherished, and they’re enduring unnecessary heartbreak. It’s devastating.

I also serve younger brides who want to AVOID all of this. With the skills I teach, wives can be empowered to steer clear of many common marital challenges.

You're in the right place if you're ready to restore your marriage and be your best self, receiving all of God's best for your relationship.

How I Can Help:

Courses & Coaching

The Catholic Irresistible Wife Course


Are you a wife who has suffered long enough?

The Irresistible Wife Workshop is a recorded workshop perfect for you if you are a wife who is ready to end the disconnect in your marriage and get on the road to happiness, peace, and passion.

One on One Coaching

Want to move the needle in your relationship & create transformation the fastest way possible?

Are you fed up with complaining and want to learn how to get him off his phone, off the couch, and help you more?

Tired of feeling like roommates?

Want better communication

and connection?

 Coaching is the answer.

RENEW: 60 Day Journey to Peace, Happiness and Love

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to discover and implement 7 Shifts to stop feeling like a resentful, exhausted wife as you rediscover happiness, peace, and love in 8 weeks or less, reclaiming your confident, feminine self, no longer snapping at the children or your husband and doubling the attraction and intimacy in your marriage.

This course is offered LIVE with Coach Carol on Zoom for eight weeks and includes lessons and group coaching.



I help wives who are enduring distant, loveless, sexless marriages or relationships in crisis. Like me, they worry they married the wrong person. They feel undesired, uncherished, and they’re enduring unnecessary heartbreak. It’s devastating.

That’s why I can’t wait for you to see this proven system, which is unlike any relationship training out there.  You're in the right place if you're ready to restore your marriage & be your best self, receiving all of God's best for your relationship.

What Mary says about Coach Carol:

I received coaching from Coach Carol at a time in my marriage when I was blaming my husband for everything. So many changes had happened in my marriage: new people living with us, a huge job change for me, him working nights, three little kids... I was exhausted and so lonely.

I knew I couldn't do it alone anymore so I reached out. Carol helped me spot that loneliness from the first call and I cried realizing how much I just missed my husband. She was warm and comforting and gave me so much hope. Over our months together she coached me to focus on the good and to focus on what I want more of. I couldn't believe all the changes I felt in myself! And as I changed to a more relaxed and empowered wife, my husband responded by taking me out more, telling me "We were meant for each other" and even switching to the day shift!

Working with Carol changed my marriage and it changed my life. I am so grateful that I invested in myself to work with Carol. Her guidance and coaching is worth it's weight in gold!

From the bottom of my heart, Carol, thank you ❤️

-Mary Johnson, 32, USA

What wives have said about this workshop:

Dearest Carol,

I’m forever grateful to have been lead to u and been a part of ur awesome 4 week coaching workshop! I joined this workshop to gain a clearer understanding of how to properly use the most precious and meaningful skills for intimacy, in my marriage and life! I have gained and enjoyed tremendously! 💗 Ur incredible teaching and sharing abilities have made it easy, a pleasure and a joy to learn from! My breakthroughs during the 4 wonderful weeks have been nothing less then miraculous!! I will cherish them forever and let what I know grow! My wish for u dear Carol, is to have much continued success in all ur holy work and help create the radical changes.. one beautiful marriage at a time!! Much love and blessings.. 💖💫💖💫💖


Before I started the workshop, I was lost. I didn’t have anyone to speak to openly who would understand my situation fully and not judge my husband negatively but instead encourage me to focus on myself.

I thought it couldn’t work for me because we are not together, and hoped to receive encouragement to persevere ... which I did in abundance.

The workshop proved to be one of my most valued self care activities. I set time aside every Tues. evening to participate in the workshop which I would never had done before. Having that time away from the kids and speaking to like minded women, just filled me with such happiness and allowed me to view the rest of the evening/ week more positively... Listening to everyone’s achievements motivated me.

I recommend other women participate in the workshop because without it I may have given up on the skills or put less focus on it. 

I have enjoyed meeting you all and working with Carol at such a close level. 

I thank you, Carol, for giving me the confidence to not give up on my marriage and myself.   ~A.S.

Start Here

The Catholic Irresistible Wife Course

This online course will set you up to rediscover your happiness as you reclaim your feminine power and create the life you love. Presented through the lens of the Catholic faith, this course will inspire your growth personally and spiritually as you learn specific relationship skills to end the cold wars and restore peace, passion & connection.

The Irresistible Wife Course is for you if you are struggling in your marriage and are ready to turn it all around.

Enough is enough! 

The course is designed to get you started with feeling loved every day, like your relationship is a strength instead of stress & heartache.

You'll learn the specific shifts you need to make to create the relationship you desire ~ with yourself and your husband

Shift #1

This first shift will bring in the Big Guns of hope and transformation.  You'll claim the power of God to give you the strength and courage necessary to transform yourself and your marriage. With God, all things are possible. 

Shift #2 

This foundational shift will empower you, as it did me and hundreds of other women to show up as your best self ~ happy, carefree and funloving.  Going to the well will be exciting and will inspire your man to help out more and love you better.

Shift #3

Watch him mirror back this powerful shift as you shift the culture in your entire home!  Even the children will be making this shift and you'll all be feeling the peace all around as fighting stops and dignity returns.

Shift #4

Stop the complaining and learn more effective communication skills.  This is a game changer that he'll respond to quickly.

Shift #5

Step into the Feminine Genius given to us by St. John Paul II.  You'll be receiving more gifts, compliments and help - even in the kitchen and with laundry!

Shift #6

This shift will create a safe space for him to draw closer as he genuinely wants to spend time with you again.  Intimacy and connection will begin to soar.

Shift #7

This shift will quickly restore peace and harmony, saving the day so that you can celebrate yet another great day making memories and having fun.  A new, positive, happy, loving future will be well on its way!

If you're ready to get on the road to creating a happy, loving marriage ... the one you dreamt of when you stood at the altar, dive into this course today.

If not today. when?

An Amazing Opportunity to work closely with Coach Carol in a small group setting!

RENEW: 60 Day Journey to Peace, Happiness and Love

Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to discover and implement 7 Shifts to stop feeling like a resentful, exhausted wife as you rediscover happiness, peace and love in 8 weeks or less reclaiming your confident feminine self, no longer snapping at the children or your husband and doubling the attraction and intimacy in your marriage.

Offered a couple times a year, this live zoom class is an amazing opportunity to work closely with Coach Carol and a small community of like-minded wives.

An Amazing Opportunity to be a founding member at the lowest price ever!

Happy Wife VIP Group Coaching

We'll gather twice a month to connect as like-minded women all standing for their marriages, building community.  There will be an opportunity to be coached on the call, and for all women to be impacted by coaching & being empowered to create the marriage of their dreams.

This is the most economical way to get coaching & the low, low member price of just $47/month is only available for a limited time.  Check out the power of coaching today by joining VIP today!

Go for the fastest results with individualized attention!

One on One Coaching

If you want to get fit, for the best results you go to the gym. 

Coaching is like going to the gym for your mind to gain mastery over your thoughts, emotions and to grow spiritually. That's the kind of coaching I offer.

Coaching is where:

~ blindspots are uncovered, 

~ wins are celebrated (there will be many!)

~ marriages are transformed and yes, saved

~ you make leaps growing into your best self

Is it time to claim the love you deserve?

With Coach Carol, you'll have a well-seasoned coach who transformed herself, saved her own marriage, and has worked with hundreds and hundreds of women who'll come alongside of you as your guide to creating your unique dreams.  Schedule a call to explore what's possible by clicking below.

Want to Worry Less & Experience Less Turmoil?

In 2 Corinthians 10:5 we are told to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. But how do we do that exactly?

I can teach you a powerful self-coaching tool to empower you to make your mind work to create the life you dream of instead of operating on auto-pilot.  Controlling your thinking will empower you to live your best life, and create intimate relationships, peace & freedom from ruminating & fear.  Soon, you'll be more fully integrated with Christ in your life.

Coach Carol is a Certified Life & Marriage Coach, plus a Catholic Mindset Coach. Click the button below to schedule a call to explore how her services may be just what you're searching for.

Apply for your FREE Relationship Assessment call.

Have you suffered long enough? If so, I invite you to apply for a free Relationship Assessment call where we'll explore if coaching is a fit for you.

I want to help you rediscover the intimacy, passion and peace in your marriage that God intended.

These calls are only for those serious about taking action to improve their marriage. Please respect my time, and yours, and only apply for a call if you are seriously considering coaching & want to save your marriage.

What More Clients Are Saying:

"Coach Carol helped me the most by being direct & helping me see blind spots by asking powerful questions, even though I may not have always wanted to be asked questions at the time. She was always so encouraging, even when I needed to improve.

She always acknowledged and celebrated my wins. She empowered me by refocusing me to get back to caring for myself and stretching myself that way. It definitely helped me in this amazing transformation.

I was paralyzed in the beginning but am now invigorated again with life and my business, even in a covid world & recently learning of another woman in my husband’s life. I used to wallow in worry and fear all the time and now I know that no matter what, it’s all going to work out. Even if we’re not back together, I am a different woman, a dignified woman with empowering skills to navigate life."   ~ N, Massachusetts

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